Board of Directors
The Board of Directors bears the civil and moral responsibility for the governance of the National Family Support and Restoration Society (NFSRS) policies, principles, and practices. It is the final authority for the charity in the governance of its donated funds, in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), to fulfill the charities mission.
The NFSRS Board of Directors is comprised of five members each bringing valued perspective and insight from their varied professional and personal backgrounds.
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors include;
Adherence to the mission of the charity
The approval of the charity's programs
The financial stability of the charity
Evaluating the charity's performance
Participate in charity promotion
The hiring and/or dismissal and ongoing evaluation of the Executive Director
In order to meet the necessary CRA requirements and maintain continuity of ongoing efforts, the board meets on a consistent basis (minimum six times per year) in-person and remains in contact via virtual and electronic means in order to address any matters that arise between formal meetings.
Each member of the board strives to serve the NFSRS organization with utmost integrity and humility in order to best carry out the responsibilities placed on them to meet the purposes and mission of the National Family Support and Restoration Society (Cherub's Inn).